Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 26th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2020, Pisa, Italy, March 24–27, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
新品価格 ¥ 8,049
発売元:Springer 発売日:2020-05-25
Trust Me I'm A Software Quality Assurance Analyst: Blank Lined Journal Notebook gift For Software Quality Assurance Analyst
新品価格 ¥ 824
発売元:Independently published 発売日:2020-03-04
While i'am in life i love in life i love information systems: A cute lined notebook journal for informatics engineering lover and a best funny idea gift on all occasions like getting a new job or accepting in the academy to write and save his diary notes
新品価格 ¥ 1,074
発売元:Independently published 発売日:2020-02-28
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 25th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2019, Essen, Germany, March 18–21, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
新品価格 ¥ 7,780 (定価の10%引き)
中古価格 ¥ 7,813 (定価の9%引き) 残り1個
発売元:Springer 発売日:2019-03-08
Software Quality Assurance: Integrating Testing, Security, and Audit (Internal Audit and IT Audit)
新品価格 ¥ 9,009
中古価格 ¥ 9,760 残り4個
発売元:Auerbach Publications 発売日:2016-04-15
Software Quality Engineering: Testing, Quality Assurance, and Quantifiable Improvement (Wiley - IEEE)
新品価格 ¥ 7,421 (定価の46%引き)
中古価格 ¥ 1,597 (定価の88%引き) 残り5個
発売元:Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr 発売日:2005-02-18
System Requirements Engineering (McGraw-Hill International Software Quality Assurance Series)
中古価格 ¥ 765 (定価の83%引き)
発売元:McGraw-Hill 発売日:1995-06-01
ホーム:ソフトウェア開発関連技術のニュース Version:PART_PAGE_VERSION